Feature Information

Feature ID: Medtr4g094545
Feature Type: gene
Name: MtHen1/Small RNA processing gene
Description: small RNA methyltransferase
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The mutation and phenotype for selected feature: Medtr4g094545

Project Name:CRISPR/Cas9 and TALENs generate heritable mutations for genes involved in small RNA processing of Glycine max and Medicago truncatula

Processing of double-stranded RNA precursors into small RNAs is an essential regulator of gene expression in plant development and stress response. Small RNA processing requires the combined activity ...... Lab: Stupar Lab, Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA; Contact: Robert M. Stupar; stup0004@umn.edu
Transformation Genetic background Construct gRNA Plant Mutation Phenotype
MtRT0001 R108 (HM340) MtTG0001-1 Hen1-2 WPT222-10 (T0 ) Heterozygous mutation
MtRT0001 R108 (HM340) MtTG0001-1 Hen1-2 WPT222-12 (T0 ) Heterozygous mutation
MtRT0001 R108 (HM340) MtTG0001-1 Hen1-2 WPT589-10-1 (T1 ) +9 bp Morphology : no obvious phenotype changes
MtRT0001 R108 (HM340) MtTG0001-1 Hen1-2 WPT589-10-13 (T1 ) +9 bp Morphology : no obvious phenotype changes
MtRT0001 R108 (HM340) MtTG0001-1 Hen1-2 WPT589-12-10 (T1 ) -9 bp Morphology : no obvious phenotype changes
MtRT0001 R108 (HM340) MtTG0001-1 Hen1-2 WPT589-12-13 (T1 ) -9 bp Morphology : no obvious phenotype changes

This database is supported by NSF (IOS-1546625) and hosted by BTI.