Feature Information

Feature ID: Solyc04g005320
Feature Type: gene
Description: MADS-box transcription factor
Links to other Database: TFGD, TEA, SGN, iTAK

The mutation and phenotype for selected feature: Solyc04g005320

Project Name:Regulators of flowering and inflorescence architecture in tomato

CRISPR mutagenesis of candidate genes involved in flowering and inflorescence architecture in tomato...... Lab: LIPPMAN LAB, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Contact: Zachary Lippman: lippman@cshl.edu
Transformation Genetic background Construct gRNA Plant Mutation Phenotype
M82_CR-LIN M82 CR-LIN LIN-sgRNA-1 CR-LIN M82-1 (F2 ) homozygous (535 bp insertion)
M82_CR-LIN M82 CR-LIN LIN-sgRNA-2 CR-LIN M82-1 (F2 ) homozygous (535 bp insertion)
M82_CR-SEP4s M82 CR-SEP4s LIN/J2/EJ2-sgRNA-1 CR-SEP4s M82-1 (T1 ) chimeric
M82_CR-SEP4s M82 CR-SEP4s LIN/J2/EJ2-sgRNA-2 CR-SEP4s M82-1 (T1 ) chimeric

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